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    Brief description of Zinc

    Zinc, a blue-gray, metallic element, is a moderately good conductor of electricity. Zinc (Zn) is brittle, but it becomes malleable at 100° C. The most common alloy is brass, which is a mixture of zinc and copper. Zinc is recovered from a number of different zinc minerals. The most significant of these is sphalerite. Other minerals, such as smithsonite (ZnCO3, zinc carbonate), and zincite (ZnO, zinc oxide) are also zinc ores. Zinc is also recycled from scrap.



    • Zinc is used in making rubber and paint, chemicals, agricultural applications, in the rubber industry, in TV screens, fluorescent lights and for dry cell batteries. Pennies are made of zinc – with a thin coating of copper on top.
    • Zinc dust is used in the removal of impurities from solution in zinc electrowinning.